
Star wars rebellion logo tattoo
Star wars rebellion logo tattoo

An alarming amount of the Centrist party’s members were privately supportive of the old Galactic Empire and eventually joined the fascist extremist group known as the First Order. Over time, the New Republic became increasingly divided, with two political parties, the Centrists and Populists, fighting amongst each other and deteriorating the government’s effectiveness. With the Empire formally surrendering after the Battle of Jakku, the New Republic quickly demilitarized and became a government more akin to a confederacy than its Legends-era counterpart. In Star Wars canon, the New Republic’s war with the Galactic Empire only lasted roughly a year. Towards the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the New Republic reformed itself once more, evolving into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Starting with the election of Borsk Fey'lya as Chief of State in 23 ABY, the New Republic gradually fell back into impotence and corruption similar to the last days of the Old Republic. The Legends-era New Republic was also rarely at peace, fighting the Empire in its various forms for fifteen years before they finally surrendered in 19 ABY. In Legends, the New Republic was in many ways a rebuilt Old Republic, though it avoided many of the pitfalls that left it vulnerable to the Sith’s authoritarian coup.

star wars rebellion logo tattoo

With Palpatine seemingly dead at the Battle of Endor and the Empire in chaos, the Rebel Alliance quickly re-established itself as the New Republic as it continued its war against the weakened Empire. Unknown to the senators, however, this was functionally little more than pretense, as the Separatist Council and the Sith Order were the true leaders of the Separatist Alliance. In Canon, the CIS was generally referred to as the Separatist Alliance, and unlike Legends, it had a capital world (Raxus) with a Separatist Parliament to represent its member worlds. In addition to blaming the Jedi for manufacturing the CIS, Palpatine also used them long after their defeat to discredit the Rebel Alliance as a resurgence of the Separatist movement.

star wars rebellion logo tattoo

The power behind the Separatist Council and Count Dooku, however, was Darth Sidious, who successfully created the perfect threat to the Republic, forcing them to give him ever-increasing amounts of emergency power. In truth, the CIS was a corporate oligarchy, ruled by a cabal of the galaxy’s most unscrupulous tycoons and greedy politicians, making it far more corrupt than the Republic it seceded from. Officially founded by the former Jedi Count Dooku (now the Sith Lord Darth Tyrannus), the Legends-era Confederacy of Independent Systems was a Separatist movement who felt that the Republic’s bureaucracy and corruption left it beyond repair and that it was time to establish a more laissez-faire government to allow planets and sectors to manage themselves their way.

Star wars rebellion logo tattoo